NetApp’s Cloud Complexity Report highlights shifting demands of multicloud

NetApp, a cloud-led, data-centric software company, has released the 2023 Cloud Complexity Report, a global survey exploring how technology decision makers are navigating cloud requirements coming from digital transformation and AI initiatives and the complexity of multicloud environments.

The report found that 98% of senior IT leaders have been impacted by increasing cloud complexity in some capacity, potentially leading to poor IT performance, loss in revenue and...

41% of UK data is unused or unwanted

An image of a cloud on a circuit board.

Against the backdrop of the climate crisis and increasing energy costs, comes the worrying new findings that a lack of data management accountability in the UK means that two-fifths (41%) of data is being stored for no reason.

Conducted by NetApp, the Data Waste Index surveyed IT leaders in data management roles in the UK and found serious issues in the region's data management and storage practices.

The enormity of the task

Despite the excess of unused and...